Salvatore Penna - Associate
Salvatore Penna is a physical and derivatives commodities specialist with more than 25 years of experience. Prior to being in the commodity space, Salvatore practiced accounting as a graduate of Saint John’s University. He leveraged this financial foundation in a number of roles in commodities to become a subject matter expert in the fields of trading, risk management and regulatory/compliance. This experience with different roles and responsibilities in the commodity sector has cultivated his understanding of business needs, leadership and result driven accomplishments.
With the advent of global regulatory reform in commodities Salvatore applied his “hands-on” understanding of front, mid- and back-office operations and their associated financial impacts -both capital and P&L. He developed an integrated regulatory/risk management approach to build out controls and policies that allowed his companies to meet the challenges of global reform. In the last 10 years he used this integrated approach in the role of Global Chief Compliance Officer for a multinational commodity merchant company.
Core Competencies
Commodity Scope
Salvatore’s work experience has included the following: Noble Group Limited, Global Chief Compliance Officer New York Mercantile Exchange, Director of Risk Management Sempra Energy Trading Corp., Derivatives Group Trader |